A Hands-On Earth Day Making an Impact for Quantum House and Beyond

The Square teamed up with The Garden Shoppe to plant garden beds for a cause

Earth Day calls for getting your hands a little dirty. To celebrate our precious planet, The Square and The Garden Shoppe welcomed the community to help create two garden beds to be donated to Quantum House, a caring and supportive home that lessens the burden for families whose children are receiving treatment in Palm Beach County for a serious medical condition.

The completed garden beds, lush with an array of vegetables and herbs, will not only benefit the families of Quantum House. Gardens impact everything from the air we breathe to the minimizing of carbon footprints we leave behind. You can take action in your own backyard to help reduce air and noise pollution, increase oxygen, reduce carbon footprints, and reduce the size of landfills.

Thank you to all who visited to lend a helping hand.


Store Front


Earth Day


Earth Day 2


Earth Day 3


Earth Day 4


Earth Day 5

To learn more about Quantum House, visit quantumhouse.org


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